Ageless Body Timeless Mind - an excerpt

There are five realizations that entropy cannot touch. They are expressed in every spiritual tradition and form the core of personal evolution age after age:

1. I am Spirit.
2. This moment is as it should be.
3. Uncertainty is part of the overall order of things.
4. Change is infused with non-change.
5. Entropy holds no threat because it is under control of infinite organizing power.

These realizations are crucial because they allow a person to rise above the world of duality, which is inevitably caught up in the battle of creation and destruction. There is a perspective that the New Testament calls “seeing with one eye”, a state of unity in which all events, however painful or distressing at the moment, serve one end which is intelligent, loving and well ordered. This unified perspective cannot be forced on anyone until his or her consciousness is prepared to accept it. If you are caught up in your own pain and convinced by your own life drama, that is your perspective, and you have a right to it. But everyone wants an end to pain and suffering, and at a certain point in your personal evolution these five realizations will form the trail that leads the mind out of suffering. Let us translate each point in terms of the new paradigm.

1. I am Spirit

Although my physical existence is confined to space and time, my awareness is not limited to that. I am aware of the whole field as a play of creation and destruction. Matter and energy come and go, flickering in and out of existence like fireflies, yet all events are held together and made orderly by the deep intelligence that runs through all things. I am one aspect of that intelligence. I am the field unfolding itself in local events. My spirit is experiencing the material world through the lens of perception, but even if I see and hear nothing, I am still myself, an eternal presence of awareness.
In practical terms, this realization becomes real when no outside event can shake your sense of self. A person who knows himself as spirit never loses sight in terms of the experiencer in the midst of experience. His inner truth says, ‘I carry the consciousness of immortality in the midst of mortality”.

2. This moment is as it should be

This present moment is a space-time event within the eternal continuum. Since that continuum is me, nothing that can happen is outside myself; therefore, everything is acceptable as part of my larger identity. Just as every cell reflects the overall process of the body, each moment reflects al other moments, past, present and future. This realization is born when a person gives up his need to control reality. That need is a natural response to past pain and frustration, since it is the memory of old traumas that drives us to manipulate the present and anticipated the future.
In unity, every moment is as it should be. The shadow of the past does not spoil the fullness that is possible only in present time; therefore, each moment is like a clear window letting in the possibility of equal joy, equal appreciation of what is unfolding in front of you. The voice of inner truth says,” My desires are part of this moment, and what I need is provided here and now”.

3. Uncertainty is part of the overall order of things

Certainty and uncertainty are two aspects of your nature. At one level, things have to be certain or order couldn’t exist. At another level, things have to be uncertain or there would be no newness. Evolution moves forward by surprising events; the healthiest attitude is to realize that the unknown is just another term for ‘creation’. This realization saves a person from fear, which will always arise if uncertainty is resisted.
In unity, the person sees the wisdom of uncertainty. He realizes that his very next breath, next heartbeat, or next thought is really unpredictable, and yet out of this total openness, order is still maintained. Opposites can and must coexist. In reality, you embrace all opposites in yourself, just as the quantum field embraces the two greatest opposites, entropy and evolution. This uncertainty of things holds no fear for someone in unity consciousness, because he is certain of himself. The voice of inner truth says, “I embrace the unknown because it allows me to see new aspects of myself”.

4. Change is infused with non-change

Life is an eternal dance. The movements of the dance are choreographed through your awareness. Your desires and attentions guide the path of your growth. Because attention is always flowing, the dance never ends. This is the essence of living. Every movement is part of the dance; therefore, every space-time event is meaningful and necessary. It is the order within the chaos.
When you realize that you are held securely within this unchanging framework, the joy of free will arises. You cannot exercise free will if you fear that it will bring uncertainty, accidents and calamity. To someone in unity, however, each choice is accepted within the overall pattern. If you choose A, the field will bend to accommodate you; if you choose B, the field will accommodate that, even if B is the exact opposite of A. all possibilities are acceptable to the field, since by definition the field is a state of all possibilities. The voice of inner truth says, “I am going to know the Absolute by playing here in the relative’.

5. Entropy holds no threat because it is under control of infinite organizing power
Your body reflects the simultaneity of order and chaos. The molecules of food, air and water swirling through your blood move chaotically, but when they enter a cell, they are used with precise orderliness. The neurons firing in your brain produce a chaotic storm of electrical signals, yet what emerges are meaningful thoughts. Chaos, then, is just a point of view. Things that appear random to a limited awareness fit into place perfectly when awareness is expanded. In unity, you realize that every step into decay, dissolution and destruction is being used to organize new patterns of order. When you perception can see the birth that springs from decay, the inner voice of truth says, “Through alternating steps of loss and gain, silence and activity, birth and death, I walk the path of immortality”.

(Compiled from 'Ageless Body Timeless Mind' ~ Deepak Chopra)


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